Wednesday, July 06, 2005

want more life!

Found this today: Steve Jobs' recent commencement address at Stanford.

Not exactly knit-related, except that it is permission (no, an imperative!) to do more of what I love. Plus, knitting is a meditation that seems to call out the questions in me, while also offering the affirmation of liking to do something. Jobs uses David Wyte's "follow your curiosities" that has been my own mantra for finding out what it is I love. In the melee of the last few weeks (four weeks ago, we went to the doctor and all this began again), I've forgotten that turning my face from the curiosities is just simply saying, I can't bear to. . . what's the use? Julia C. says this is actually fear. Isn't it all?

Had a bit of it on the 4th while I was walking, dreaming of finding the perfect kayak and making the perfect socks (or really, just the next socks). Then turfed it yesterday with all the old stallings. If life is so short, why is it also so easy to waste?


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