not long now
36 weeks today, and counting.
No contractions. Sprout is approximately 5 lb. 15 oz., on schedule to weigh in about 7.5# at birth. Only one more childbirth class. Papa B's "man shower" is being planned, and two out of three Mama baby showers have occurred:

Sprout's room is nearly ready:

I'm feeling mostly great, just a little more tired and waddly than usual. Sprout's still kicking like crazy (though he's moved head-down and so the sensations have changed.
No contractions. Sprout is approximately 5 lb. 15 oz., on schedule to weigh in about 7.5# at birth. Only one more childbirth class. Papa B's "man shower" is being planned, and two out of three Mama baby showers have occurred:
Sprout's room is nearly ready:

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