Sunday, July 31, 2005

throes of addiction

It's this bad: to bed at 1 a.m. after a fun nite with friends, eating Buck's yummy Indo food (forgot to take a picture of the table) and my homemade mango ice cream, sitting out into the wee hours with flaming tiki torches and candles on the table. Barfing Gene notwithstanding, very nearly a perfect evening--I think 8 is about my perfect party size. And sleeping Sadie spent the last half of it in her unfinished faces blankie, proving that tails woven in is not prerequisite for usefulness, just for cosmetics. I cannot describe how lovely to have Le Ann ask for "Sadie's blanket" and I able to give it to her. I am Nann, creator of warm and functional objects!!!

Now: up at 7 to feed an insistent but no longer pukeybreath Harvey, I start surfing knitblogs (less guiltily than in recent weeks, when I was only avoiding the ends-weaving-in syndrome). Every day I keep finding more yarn shops in Seattle. Do you think it would kill some of them to move a bit south? I'm stuck with growing but too-novelty-focused, slightly snootish Yarn Garden in GH and deliciously-stocked-to-the-rafters-but-intermittently-open-and-no-website Fibers Etc. Where is the famed T-town Renaissance where yarn is concerned? Yeah, yeah, I hear the siren call of "open my own shop" out there, but I push it into the same brainspace as the "open our own Indo restaurant" madness.

However, unlike everyone else I've talked to, I had a great experience at Lamb's Ear Farm, but perhaps it was because the owner wasn't there, just a baby-jumper-knitting young ski-capped guy. Cool. The Yahoo LYS reviews say the owner is a nightmare, and I've had two people tell me that they felt like the staff was watching them like shoplifters--perhaps because of the nightmare layout, with that totally hidden-away back room? But they had some decent books (partly I judge this by whether they have any of the Barbara Walker books), and a nice selection of yarns, some Koigu (almost bit on that one but thought better of $30 socks for the moment--I think I'm saving those for a yarn shopping EVENT, like finding it on a visit to Paul in NYC), lots of the Cascade 220. But jumper-knitting guy was helpful and didn't even smirk when I (looking at jumper) said I'd never done intarsia. He just said nicely, this is fair isle. I'm such a technique groupie.

So the next project made it into my mini project bag, this skanky shop bag from Skeins. Perfect size for socks, perfect handles. For this I spent $45 and a weekend sewing my knitting bag and various project ditty bags? to carry my projects around in a shopping bag? But a nice shopping bag. And the project? A pair of ice-cream pink Fixation socks using the free-with-purchase pattern.

I have to start with this one instead of the IWK Summer 2005 Evelyn Clark "Go with the Flow" socks because, dammit, I have been too cheap to pay full price (no coupon to chintz my way out of it) the required sz 1 dpns. How I love wrestling with the porcupine! And because my magenta superwash Fortissima Socka (another impulse buy, this time at Mount Vernon, on the way home from my retreat) is a little scratchy.


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