Wednesday, September 14, 2005

fleas = socks & debbie macomber

My dirty secret: we have an infestation. Cautionary tale: when your pup is just a wee button and you think it will be dandy to have him sleep in your bed (undercovers) think about bites, bites, and more bites. Until you have "speck fear," where every small smudge is a buggy.

And so I have been knitting socks. Not to protect from bites, but because it is the way I comfort myself when I am freaking out about having fleas. When I have washed every blessed bit of bedding THREE TIMES in the the last week, bathed the dog FOUR TIMES, applied Advantage until the ASPCA might consider it DOGGIE ABUSE, and STILL I find little cinnamon-colored streakers on Harvey's haunches, or worse yet, on me!

I think the low point came tonight when I realized I am afraid to sit down anywhere in my house, lest Harvey sit with me and. . .yup, more fleas.

Ever knit socks while standing up?

Last night I was so beside myself I did the unthinkable: I pulled Debbie Macomber's A Good Yarn off the shelf to read while I took a flea-drowning bath. Never mind that I knew it was a bad idea from the moment I plucked it from a grocery store book aisle, and had a hard time keeping my lunch down for all 200+ drivelous pages. Lord, Julia Cameron is right when she said artistic success is often about audacity, not talent. Is it possible DM is actually good and just chooses to write that way? If so, I'm sure she's laughing all the way to the bank, and since I've been having trouble getting my ass up to write all summer, I have to admire her crank-em-out productivity, even if I think it, well, reads like crank-em-out. Or just crank. What frightens me is that there must be KNITTERS who like her book. We're generally pretty smart folk, right? But I've been reading about the conservative comment-bombing on At My Knits End and I realize maybe not. It passeth understanding the ways in which we feel justified lecturing each other, even via blogworld.

Still no KnitPicks. Twelve days and counting. The frantics are starting to set in.


Blogger Joanne said...

Hi! We joined Sticks in Seattle on the same day.

I have two little dogs (miniature poodle and bichon) who I just groomed this past weekend. And I found a flea running around on one of them. I only saw one so I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is no infestation lurking around the corner. I really hate flea stuff.

Love your Fania's scarf. So pretty! I am still a knitting newbie but I look forward to the day I try more complicated projects.

3:23 PM  
Blogger JustApril said...

If you are still dealing with fleas, a certain "home remedy" I learned under similar circumstances - 2 infested cats and fleas everywhere - after we, my roommate and I, tried everything someone told us to take a large cookie sheet (lock up doggie first btw) and put a small candle in the center, then fill the cookie sheet with water. The fleas sense the warmth of the candle and jump to it looking for their next meal, and PLOP into the water - the end

We did that for several nights in a row - basically until the water was flealess in the morning.

Congrats on the stash and down with the fleas!

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I didn't like it either. But I thought i was in the extreme minority in thinking that same thing! I was so glad I didn't buy it, but picked it up at the library. That author is very high output, high promo mentality.

Unfortunately it seems that much of being a writer today is more about good at PR, promo and high visibility than it is in actual talent. Disappointing for avid readers (and knitters) alike. Chelle

9:26 AM  

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