free sock patterns!

Last night, as we were collapsed in the 90-degree heat with Harvey (seen here in his normal nosey state):
we were talking about the hours and hours involved in the upcoming road trip. B said, "You're going to knit the whole way, aren't you."
I have been in such a state about the endlessly ended blankie that I had forgotten. about. knitting. in the. car. That's a good 11-12 hours of knit time! Even at my turtle's pace, that's many many rows! And, if we stop overnight on our way home, even more! Here's how it went from that point: B, waxing on about all the lovely talking time we will have (first of all, who's he kidding, I've been on long drives with him before, and he's NOT a talker). Me, thinking, "But I can't count Faina's scarf and talk, too." I really have begun to think of myself as an all-things-knit addict, because I find myself peeved when he interrupts my knit-related activity.
Now if only I could figure out a way to knit on the first leg of the trip, which I'm driving solo. Maybe in that eastern Oregon, northern Idaho part.
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