Sunday, August 12, 2007

sprout likes rice cereal

We started the rice cereal a couple of weeks ago. He took to it like a house-afire:

One of our friends had a baby on Thursday--the induction that worked! When we went to see her that night, in the same hospital where I gave birth, it brought it all back. On our way out, we saw our doula, who was giving a birth center tour. Despite all the chaos of getting him here, I'm grateful for every part of that experience.

It's wonderful to love my life so much. My new job is a huge challenge, but every day flies by, I'm so excited to be doing the work and having fun. Sprout seems to love daycare, settling into a schedule of naps and bottles and playing. He plays hard, smiles and chortles a lot, and sleeps well every night. DH is wonderful and funny and makes a helluva halibut taco (Sunday dinner, yum!). I don't get luxurious sleep or endless knitting hours anymore, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.


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