Monday, August 11, 2008
finished Sprout daycare blankie

Finished Sprout Daycare Blankie detail
Originally uploaded by on the sticks
Oh, yeah, another one! This one was done at the time of my last blog entry, but no pics. The crochet border turned out a wee bit wonky on one side, but all in all, it's a great blanket. It's now been washed several times, and the Lion Brand New Cotton Ease blend is holding up well. Sprout remains indifferent to blankies, but this one is long enough that he stays covered most nights. (oh, hey, I love this "blog this photo" feature in flickr--saving a step makes all the difference in actually posting or not!)
don't look now, but something's almost finished!

Sprout's JoJo sweater by BeesKnees knits
Originally uploaded by on the sticks
Finally, an almost-FO! I've had a few delicious days off this month and so finally cranked through the hard parts--picking up stitches along the button bands and placket and around the collar. It's pretty clean, though I won't show the undersides just yet. I spent a long time picking out the (almost) perfect buttons. I know it's crazy, really--I held it up to him the other night, and he'll MAYBE get to wear it a couple of times. Oh, well. I shouldn't have let myself get stalled at Thanksgiving, but getting ready to move and then moving and work and all. . .let's just say it doesn't help my procrastinatitus. But I do love how the stripes (Lang Jawoll Aktion colorway 132.0192) turned out. I don't have a pic yet of the cute little square intarsias on the back, but they turned out really cute, too. Now I just have to do the sewing-up (ick).