But not knitting much. 2006 was not a knitting year for me, only a few FO's. I still have the Heike socks OTS from last February (sz 0 needles are too eensy, I've decided). It was a fairly healthy stashing year, and I'm no longer letting myself buy yarn, not until I knit some of these projects!
For Christmas, B gave me the KnitPicks Options needles, and they rock--nearly as good as Addis! Just in time to make Fair Isle hat #2 for my friend A's belated Xmas present (leave it to me to think on December 23 that it's a brilliant idea to start a gift). Also, since MIL sent a check this year instead of packages, I've treated myself to the Vogue Stitchionary volumes 2 and 3 from Amazon, and they're arriving any day now. I promise pics of all soon.
We're in the single digits of weeks before Sprout arrives: 7 officially, probably less. I'm getting slightly more uncomfortable, and the docs want me to come in twice a week for nonstress tests. I'm glad they're being conservative, but I do hate the doctors' appointments. They've spent so much time talking with me about risks (despite there being no indication so far that any of the risks are materializing), I hold my breath at each one. The things that keep me from going out of my mind with misplaced worry are husband (who reminds me "my half's tough") and the constant activity coming from my belly: bongos, trapeze acts, fish flips, thumps, grumbles, and rolls. I'll worry that Sprout has ADHD later--right now, these movements are the most reassuring thing in the world.