Friday, September 30, 2005

day at LYS

A splurge today: finally bought the Denise needles, plus the extra 40" cord, at one of my LYS's. It was that or the ball winder--the winder would've been slightly more practical because I have a few hanks to wind, but now I feel like I can knit anything! and gauge be damned! I'm prepared for all eventualities. Well, except for socks on circ's--while I have sz 1, 2, and 3 doublepoints, I am liking the two circ method a lot, even more than magic loop. Building up my stash of Addi Turbo's for socks will take awhile, at $12 a pop.

Unfortunately, I didn't savor my time at the shop much, because they had a "help wanted" sign posted in the door. I fantasized for a moment about the glamour of working in my LYS and then actually asked her what she was looking for. While I am absolutely confident of my ability to learn any knit-related thing, I'm sure I'm still considered a beginner. I'm just too slow, and my lack of interest in sweaters means I have no big knit things to show her. Still, who else would apply for a minimum-wage job just to hang around yarn? Probably a zillion people these days. And I have to say, I have often known more than the help in yarn stores about different yarns, pattern companies, substituting yarn and calculating yardage. But the last thing I need is yet another job.

Heidi's Regia socks almost done--hopefully tomorrow. I'm also planning my first Kool-Aid dyeing session tomorrow if there's time between house chores (I'm hopelessly behind in balancing my checkbook, laundry, etc.). I just looked at the new Six Sock KAL socks--they seem pretty technically challenging, but I don't so much like the look of them. I don't really have anything in my measly stash that isn't committed to something else, and there are so many sockbug and Evelyn Clark socks that I really really want to knit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm afraid if you took that job, you wouldn't have time to knit. Just my two cents. Your yarn dying isn't bad, really. (Not that I have ever done it, because I haven't). But I like that red/orange combo really well. Red and orange and colors I really like. I'd say you did well for a first effort. Chelle

7:07 AM  

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