Thursday, February 23, 2006

blogging about knitting is like dancing about architecture

(okay, first--it's not my line. It's bastardized from Playing by Heart, a tweaky little indie flick in which Angelina Jolie plays a part with some great lines that just show off her Angelina-Jolie-ness.)

But it's true--blogging just takes away precious knitting time and can't capture the real thing. And yet, I feel compelled to do it. And read other blogs that talk about it.

All in all, knitting, I'm finding, is proving to be a hobby of some staying power (hallelujah, that's saying a lot for ADD me, I thought it would never happen). A passion even?

Last night I started knitting at 6 p.m. and put my needles down finally at 12:30 p.m. I listened to audiobooks, watched a terrible movie with tasty Heath Ledger, flipped through some reality TV, and knitted. In bed. (I have been needing a self-time fix lately. Thank God B understands me: when we were first talking about moving in together, I said I didn't think I could because he'd find out that some nights I needed to put my pajamas on at 6 and go straightaway to bed. He said he already knew that about me. It's been years since I've done it, but the last few weeks have been particularly people-infused, and my little introvert synapses are fried.)

So I thought when I turned out the light that I'd probably got my knitting fix for several days. But when my eyes popped open at 6 this morning (thank you, Harvey), the first thing I wanted to do was knit. So I knit a bit at lunch. And I just wanted to keep knitting. And now I'm home, I just want to keep knitting. Or read blogs about knitting.

I had a glimpse of the possible depths of the addiction when I went to Madrona a few weekends ago. I just went for the shopping, but I've been feeling a Stitch and Bitch hunger, so I stayed around and plunked myself down in the lobby, meeting two really nice women. We were knitting along, and I realized, I envy them. They had extricated themselves from their daily lives, taken themselves off to a hotel for several days, and every minute of the day, they got to knit, or think about knitting, or talk about knitting, or look at other people's knitting, or learn things about knitting, or buy things related to knitting. And eat. And sleep in a bed that had no snoring husband or dog that likes to get up too damn early. Heaven.

Think I need a retreat?


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