Saturday, December 03, 2005

tag, i'm it

Got tagged with my first meme by Lissa. Don't know meme etiquette, so forgive me if I faux pas:

What is your favorite yarn to knit with?
I'm slow, so there haven't been that many! I like sport- and fingering-weight yarns, though, and anything with cashmere or merino.

What's the worst thing you've ever knit?
I have my share of hideous acrylic scarves from when I started knitting again last year--the big-needle kind that stretch out in the middle, but stay too wide at the ends. Don't look for them in my FO's--I can't muster the enthusiasm to even photograph them. The most expensive of them is now like a big spaghetti noodle and is already pilly and fuzzy. I can't stand to wear them much anymore, but at least they got me back to knitting.

Most valuable technique?
The Continental knit stitch. It's saving my wrists and hands. Now if I could learn the purl properly (instead of ending up with a backwards leg), I'd be set. I just can't seem to keep tension unless I wind the yarn around my left-hand fingers in a bizarre way that doesn't allow for a proper "pick." Second place: learning how to avoid the hole at the corner of the sock gusset. Third place: YO's and SSK's, the key ingredients for interesting lace patterns.

Your most favorite knitting pattern?
I like a lot of Fiber Trends patterns, especially Evelyn Clark's lace socks.

Your favorite knitwear designer?
I don't have one--I'm a peripatetic knitter, drawn to one thing one day, and another the next.

Best knitting magazine?
IWK, hands down, for sheer knitting lust. But I'm a plus-size girl, and the sweaters are never big enough, dammit. Anyone know any good guides to pattern-alteration mathematics for Myers-Briggs INFP's?

Favorite book?
My current favorite knitting book is Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch. I'm addicted to socks, and it just feels like such a good value, with a bazillion sock patterns and many toe/heel variations.

Your favorite knit blogs?
My favorites are in the sidebar, but Margene's is my only must-read. Partly because she takes gorgeous pics of my home country, that make me both more and less homesick. Partly because she's fast and seems to crank out more knitting than I ever hope to.

Knit item you wear the most?
The last few weeks I can't stop wearing Faina's Scarf--it's cuddly and warm. I keep giving away (or promising) my FO's so I don't have many to choose from.

Am I supposed to tag someone else now?


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