Tuesday, April 18, 2006

new FO: swirly mohair scarf

Sometimes it's great to knit a pattern that is simple and straightforward but produces interesting results. This would've been a great SNB pattern if I ever went to either of my knitting groups anymore.

When I bought the yarn and pattern at knit/purl in Portland, the very helpful and enthusiastic clerk told me that the really fun part was watching it turn ruffly as you bound off. So I knitted all weekend, and finally was ready to bind off (doesn't look like much, does it? at least my fresh bridey henna is pretty):

swirly scarf 002

Then I started the bind off et voila! right on schedule, the swirly begins:

swirly scarf 004

Here's Harvey modeling the finished item (doesn't it make him look poodle-y?)

swirly scarf 005

And finally, swirly mohair scarf at rest:
swirly scarf 007


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