Friday, March 17, 2006

playing catch-up

I have been a bad knitblogger. No knit pictures in a couple of weeks, so here's an update on Koigu lacy scallops: one heel turned and, for the moment, off the (same) sticks. Sigh. I am such a tortoise.

Koigu lacy scallops socks

And, while I have not been stashing, I haven't been entirely sin-free in the knitbuying department. Here's my enrollment package from the Crafter's Choice book club. Not entirely knitting books (I have one more coming, but I'm not sure whether to order the dyeing book or Mason-Dixon Knitting), but the surely if I'm making 30-minute meals, I'll have more time for knitting?

Crafter's Choice goodies

I'm not yet facing the fact that I don't have enough years left to knit all the stitches for which I have patterns.

[ed, note: when you are blogging with one hand because your lazy puppy is snoozing in the other arm, he still looks snootily at you if the typing key noise disturbs him. Ingrate.]

We've been having weird March weather. I recently woke up to this:

snow 002

All the better for sitting and knitting.

I encountered a hilarious blog today: dachshunds galore!!! These little critters seem to have some traits in common: blankie tangling (now that I type that, it sounds kinda dirty), circus-doggie, draping themselves languidly across humans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your socks! You are actually farther along on them than I am on mine. Socks just seem to go so slow. This is my first pair and one of them is ready to start the toe, (I am not really sure how to do the toe which is why I stopped) and the other is about one inch below the cuff.

9:00 PM  

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