Sunday, March 05, 2006

blogging as therapy

"Continuing in our series of posts about the benefits of blogging..."

I don't know if it's a series, but I do lately seem drawn to metablogging, exploring the questions of blogging in the last few posts. Yesterday I was having a hard day. I needed to go for a walk but was resisting. Then, driving home from the grocery store, I saw this:

tahoma 003

In the spring, we have days when this mountain just glows.

tahoma 002

I thought, I want to blog that, and that was enough to get my shoes on, Harvey in his harness, the mp3 player going with The Year of Magical Thinking, and out the door. Once at the viewpoint, I discovered no memory card in the camera, so back home to get one. A good walk, thanks to blogging.

I read in someone else's blog recently that knowing she had subscribers to her blog often made her get up and do things she wouldn't otherwise. Apparently, it works the same for me just having a blog, and having pretend readers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when the mountain "is out". I can see the Olympics for part of my morining commute, and can see the Cascades from work (when I take a breather outside) - but I rarely get to see Rainer.

1:12 PM  

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