Monday, May 01, 2006

back to (more) normal

It's a rare day (even for my off-work Mondays): nothing I have to do! It's a good thing--I think I got food poisoning at a salad bar last night and spent most of the 2-4 a.m. hours wishing to die. A great day to sit on the couch casting on for the Wobbly Circles Tote (or at least winding bobbins)!

I took advantage of the relative lull yesterday (after weeks of building up to my friend A's wedding, which went off hitchless on Saturday evening) to run up to the Seattle Knitting Expo. I had one hard-target goal:


I also debated buying colourway Alina and Dutch Canyon. Pebble Beach was nowhere to be found (at least not in STR), but I was arriving late on the last day of the Expo. I also saw some Sleeping Dragon sock yarn in Indian Corn and Spring Fling, but not in Spooky, so I didn't get any (I think my affinity right now is for the highly saturated colors and sproingy plies of STR, and Sleeping Dragon was much more subtle and soft). Other than that, I almost bought some Zephyr, but I just don't like the colors I saw. I really need to finish winding and start knitting that deep red merino laceweight yarn.

So, if there's no more barfing today, I'll probably spend a good bit of it knitting and writing. Happy May day!


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