Saturday, March 04, 2006


Somehow when I went to do my latest pattern row on the koigu lacy scallops socks, I had the wrong number of stitches on one of the quarters. Eek! Never tinked before on the magic loop, and I didn't want to tink the whole round, just the one top of the one sock. I knew how it was supposed to work--that I'd end up with a long loop of free yarn for every row (basically as if the whole row were one long dropped stitch), and by jove, it did exactly that. I had to go back to the last pattern row, then reknit. Blessedly, my gauge was spot on, so the long loops were just enough yarn to reknit those sections. Thanks be praised to the knitting gods.

Harvey has been getting up earlier and earlier, and because I'm such a light sleeper, I can only battle him for so long before getting up myself. I am feeling incredibly sleep-deprived. The good part is that I've been doing my Artist's Way morning pages, and working on other projects, but I'm just stretched a little thin. H woke up at 4:30 yesterday, and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I tried this out:

first espresso

Our friend gave us his old stovetop espresso maker, and I've been wanting to try it out with the espresso blend that my friend's friend roasted. I wasn't sure how it would work on the flat-surface stove (which I didn't realize was so stained and ugly until I saw the picture--ick!), but in a few minutes, there was this:

first espresso_2

And then shortly thereafter, this (a reasonable approximation of a latte, though the milk was just heated, not steamed):

ahh! latte

And here's the little rotten that started it all (most of our pictures of Harvey are in blankies on the bed, because that's where he usually is--this one happens to be in a pile of clean, fresh-from-the-dryer laundry):

the culprit


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