Saturday, May 06, 2006

frogging and funk

I love knitting socks. I hate gussets. Picking up stitches evenly along the heel flap and without leaving holes is the bane of my existence (yes, I know the trick that's supposed to correct the hole at the top of the gusset, but because I seem to be a loose knitter no matter how hard I try to tighten those slipped stitches, it doesn't always work for me).

For some reason, on my sockbug lacy scallops socks, I've additionally struggled with translating the instructions for the pick up stitches/first round gusset part. (On the second gusset, the instructions are different, which I just can't wrap my brain around.) For example, how does one both pick up and knit stitches in the same row when knitting in the round? The working yarn isn't in the right place.

Well, one morning it popped into consciousness right after I woke up--you have to pick up one stitch, then knit it, then pick up the next, etc. One frog down. But now I find that I do have holes up and down the gusset where the heel flap edge has been stretched as I've picked up repeatedly. I don't want to spend all this time knitting these socks and always notice the gusset holes. It's back to the frog pond, I think, all the way back to the first heel flap round. Damn. There go my lovely turned heels, and I have to knit the weird heel flap pattern again.

So this pair of socks has been languishing. And my Heike socks, I've lost a little faith in my calculations and am not sure they'll fit. Maybe it's impending sandal season that makes me feel less socky.

I've not yet cast on for wobbly circles tote. I think I'm in a knitting funk. Starting a project before I finish the two WIPs seems like a bad idea--knitting is one area of my life where I can balance my need for variety and process with my desire to produce a perfect finish. I'm slow but dogged. I don't want these socks to linger any longer, and I want them to be beautiful. So frogging away--since Harvey woke me up at 5:30 a.m. on a Saturday, I might as well go dive in before I wake up and come to my senses.


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