not one speck of knitting news
It seems like the instant I discovered I was pregnant, I lost all interest in knitting. Completely. I'm missing my former obsession terribly, but alas! It has no shown sign of returning.
B and I were talking last night about baby preparations (of course), and I said, I have no desire to knit anything at all for my baby. Once we know the sex, I might dive in and make a Sadie-like blankie (but not one in pieces).
But I think I just feel so different that I'm not sure how all the old me pieces fit. I read other knitblogs, and there are all these women with new babies who are churning out tons of projects. I've always been a slow knitter, so now I wonder if there's any hope for me, or if I'll be knitting my 12-sock stash when I'm 80! Oh well, it's the journey and the process, right? And summer has always been a slow time for knitting anyway (it's all that wool!). Maybe it's time to dive into my Euroflax washcloths. I bought some really lovely Crabtree & Evelyn soaps in May with the idea that I'd like to give my girlfriends some washcloth/soap gifts.
B and I were talking last night about baby preparations (of course), and I said, I have no desire to knit anything at all for my baby. Once we know the sex, I might dive in and make a Sadie-like blankie (but not one in pieces).
But I think I just feel so different that I'm not sure how all the old me pieces fit. I read other knitblogs, and there are all these women with new babies who are churning out tons of projects. I've always been a slow knitter, so now I wonder if there's any hope for me, or if I'll be knitting my 12-sock stash when I'm 80! Oh well, it's the journey and the process, right? And summer has always been a slow time for knitting anyway (it's all that wool!). Maybe it's time to dive into my Euroflax washcloths. I bought some really lovely Crabtree & Evelyn soaps in May with the idea that I'd like to give my girlfriends some washcloth/soap gifts.