Saturday, July 08, 2006

the News

I had to capitalize this title, because it's pretty Big News.

B and I have made something with a HEARTBEAT. (eek)

Yes, in the midst of all this crazy summer, I seem to have gone and got myself knocked up.

This is a knitting blog, not a Nann's whole life blog, so suffice it to say: this is a much-desired, long (long!) awaited event. There's a long way to go, even before we're out of miscarriage territory--it's only 7 weeks, but at the ultrasound yesterday, we saw and heard the little flutter that says our blastocyte is pumping away.

We have the first OB appointment on Thursday. I've already had four appointments with other doctors/nurses, because as an older, overweight mom with a chronic health condition, I'll be watched more closely.

How is it that something so normal, that people have been doing as long as there have been people, can seem so momentous when it happens to you? And, at the same time, I think I expected it to transform me overnight. Well, I'm still here, just in a slightly more queasy package. But I'm learning patience--the two weeks between positive pregnancy test and this ultrasound were perhaps the longest of my life, and there's a long, long way to go.

While it still seems surreal, every once in awhile, the joy steals into my day. B's been doing a break-out happy dance every once in awhile.


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