Friday, October 07, 2005


November is National Novel Writing Month--50,000 words in one month. This is my "come to Jesus" moment. I'm going to do it. The 30-day part fits with my ephemeral attention span, and there's no better shock to a stuck system than just jumping in. I'll take a break from clients and do it. Now which one will I write? I'm trying to just let myself tell a story. I recognize the bones of a story in lots of other places but seem to struggle with the map when it's time for me to tell one.

Yesterday had The Job Conversation. Since we also talked about being "dooced" in staff meeting, I won't say much about it, except to say that my gut says it's about the best of all possible worlds. I have been itching to get back in the full-time game. I've had my year and a half of half-time, of leisurely meet the pals for coffee days (I'm glad I recognized they were special and enjoyed them). There has also been a fair bit of sittin' around, trying to figure out what to do next. I am a little bit structurally challenged. The full-time paycheck also seems like a really good thing, too. I haven't mostly minded being poor-er, having to think twice about things I didn't before.

The idea of Utah hasn't faded entirely, but I think we're still on the hook waiting to find out what happens with B's business plans. Why does it seem to take us three times as long as anyone else to do stuff? I have begun to recognize the extent to which I wait until the right possible moment. I am hounded by perfectionism, and I think I must get over it this next several months. It's killing my effectiveness in so many areas of my life.

So NaNoWriMo is my shock treatment of choice.


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