Tuesday, October 25, 2005

living in a knit-free zone

No knitting news. Life is consumed right now with work (the fun of having two jobs is not apparent this week), and in the bit of free time, trying to meet my goal of having the Sadie blankie ends all woven in by Halloween. I have been most successful by trying to carve it up into do-able bits: two rows worth of ends per day. There are 15 rows, with ends to weave on both the front and back sides. The other night my fingers itched for another project, but I am resolute: no more casting on until this one has been delivered to Sadie and her patient mommy. It would be too embarrassing to have her birth blanket finished for her first birthday.

Heidi got the socks. She was kind about it: "They will stretch a bit, won't they?" Damn. Now I have to make her another pair, but it won't be until January. Maybe some nice Fixation, so it won't be the end of the world if they end up a little snug. And I just might as well put those 2.25 mm needles away for good.


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