Monday, October 17, 2005

socks done and more yarn

Heidi's socks finally done--I tried them on the other night, and the tightness problem was not as bad as I originally thought. So I finished them off (see the FO's in my sidebar--not very exciting, just a plain old jacquard sock, but they're done!).

Had coffee with my friend Aimee in the harbor yesterday and of course, had to make a trip to Yarn Garden, to see if they had anything new. More sock yarn, yea! but out of Addi's in sock sizes/lengths. It's such a pleasant shop, great location with an almost-view of the harbor. I just wished they had less novelty yarn and more basic stuff. But they were having a sale, and I couldn't pass this up:

Big soft flat plumps of Anny Blatt No. 5 in Raisin, a yummy purplish brown, at 30% off. I couldn't afford enough of it to make something really big, so I just got enough for a scarf (like I or any of my friends need more scarves). I think I'll do something from Scarf Style--maybe Backyard Leaves, which seems to be the right gauge. Can't wait to try the Denise needles.

The owner said that it was just beyond the price point most were willing to pay. I can't help wondering if they stocked more natural fibers, they'd get more hardcore customers. But perhaps Tacoma just isn't the market for it.

Oh, and I went to exchange the red laceweight. I met the woman who took the job I was originally thinking about--seems nice. Both she and the owner looked at me kind of funny when I was talking about the weight being off and said, essentially, it's the yardage, dummy. (Though they were very kind about it and the dummy part was just me feeling stupid.) And the worst part is--I know it's all about the yardage. It's just that the pattern was so specific, referring to grams/yards in two places, that I thought it must matter for this design!

And then of course when I got back into the car, I thought of all kinds of ways I could've checked that little fact out while preserving my dignity: Google, a phone call. . .I was just so fixated on needing to get my money back.

But tangles seem to follow me everywhere: now the laceweight is in a big hanky mess on the dining room table. I am winding it slowly. But I actually did some work on Sadie's blankie last night and have vowed! to get it done by Halloween. I will have to weave in two rows' worth of ends every day to do it (which seems to take about an hour), but I am so ready to have it done. I really have made myself promise that I will not start another project while it's unfinished. I will allow myself to wind laceweight yarn, which I can only do in bits because it is so frustrating, but nothing else.


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