Saturday, October 08, 2005

top 10 lessons learned while kool-aid dye-ing

10. I will never, ever drink KoolAid again (not a lot of danger of that anyway, but now I understand the powers of Red Dye #10--all the KA I ingested between ages 6-11 is maybe just now starting to wear off my innards)

9. It isn't over until the fat lady knits: both dye jobs look better at every new stage. The red/orange/purple/brown batch will make lovely sockies.

8. The zipper on the Saran Wrap is really sharp. (Casualties: one thumb)

7. Just when you think you have an untangling "system," it will fall all to hell, and you'll be back with the "the bunny goes under this branch and into this hole" method. (Hey! a new system--I should get a kid who just learned to tie his shoes to ungangle my yarn!)

6. If you're not a pink-loving girl, leave the pink lemonade KA on the shelf. (It seems like a good idea but probably never is.)

5. If you hang the drying yarn where DH's bath towel normally goes, make sure to move it before he takes a shower.

4. Expect the DH to say, "What the [bleep] is that smell?" for 3-5 days afterward. (Even if, like mine, your DH rarely bleeps.)

3. The smell is not really improved by hanging yarn over a heater, like where DH's bath towel usually goes.

2. "It's very harmful for yarn to remain in a hand-balled state. A ball-winder is essential for reaching optimal resting tension. Therefore, I must purchase a ball-winder for the good of my yarn. It's necessary to protect our yarn investment." (Some DH's might need a few more scientific words thrown in to find this convincing, and the our in the last sentence is really a judgement call--it could go either way.)

1. When the "ubiquitous they" say to tie your yarn in four places, they aren't kidding.


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